Configuring data-sources: Merging data-sources
We recommend using a manual sourceKey if you need to re-generate a database with existing user data (visualizations etc.), or when the hostname and port number of your data-source are likely to change after the first connection to Linkurious Enterprise.
Alternatively, you have the possibility to merge the data-sources directly from the data-source management page with the following steps:
1. Open the data-source management page.
From the dashboard, go to the Admin > Data-sources management menu
2. Select the old data-source to be merged.
The data-source to be merged should be the old data-source now marked as offline because it has been replaced with the freshly generated data-source.
3. Select the new data-source to be updated.
On the resulting modal, select the new data-source then click on the merge button.
The user can choose to perform a normal merge, or an overwrite merge.
1- Normal merge
As a result, the following objects from the old data-source will be merged in the new data-source:
- Visualizations
- Alerts
- Graph Queries
- Custom Actions
The Data-Source won't be deleted in case the user decides to do an overwrite merge at a later stage.
2- Overwrite merge
To perform an overwrite merge simply select the overwrite check box in the merge modal.
As a result, the objects from the old data-source mentioned above will be merged in the new data-source. Additionally, the following objects will be replaced in the new data-source with the ones from the old data-source:
- User's default styles for new visualizations
- Default styles & captions
- Groups & access rights
- Schema
This action will irreversibly remove any data associated with the old data-source, and the data-source will be deleted.