Getting started: Technical requirements
Linkurious Enterprise is a Web-application server. It needs to be installed on a server and can then be accessed by multiple users using their Web browser.
Linkurious Enterprise Server
Technical requirements for the machine used to install the Linkurious Enterprise Web-application server:
Linkurious Enterprise hardware requirements change according to your needs and setup. Here are some scenarios with their suggested minimum hardware configurations.
Scenario 1
Project up to 20 users and few alerts.
Using the embedded Elasticsearch1:
- 6GB of RAM3
- 4 CPU cores
- 3GB of free space + space for Elasticsearch2 (SSD preferred)
Not using the embedded Elasticsearch:
- 5GB of RAM
- 2 CPU cores
- 3GB of free space (SSD preferred)
Scenario 2
Project up to 100 users and tenth of alerts.
Using the embedded Elasticsearch1:
- 6GB of RAM3
- 8 CPU cores
- 5GB of free space + space for Elasticsearch2 (SSD preferred)
Not using the embedded Elasticsearch:
- 5GB of RAM
- 4 CPU cores
- 5GB of free space (SSD preferred)
Scenario 3
Project with more than 100 users and several alerts.
To maintain stable performance, it is necessary to move heavily loaded components to well-dimensioned dedicated servers/clusters:
- use an external Index Server (i.e. not the embedded Elasticsearch server);
- use an external user-data store (i.e. not the embedded SQLite server).
Hardware requirements only for the Linkurious Enterprise server:
- 6GB of RAM4
- 8 CPU cores
- 3GB of free space (SSD preferred)
Extra information:
Linkurious Enterprise requires a 64-bit system to run.
1The embedded Elasticsearch is not recommended when dealing with large amounts of data, see Elasticsearch documentation.
2Some extra space is required for the Elasticsearch full-text index. This space is proportional to the size of your graph database. A (very) rough estimate could be 50% of your graph database (it also depends on the actual data density).
3It is possible to configure Elasticsearch for higher memory usage, please contact us at
4It is possible to configure Linkurious Enterprise for higher memory usage more, please contact us at
Please keep in mind that these technical requirements are for Linkurious Enterprise server only. For hardware requirements regarding your graph database, please refer to these guides:
Linkurious Enterprise includes an embedded Elasticsearch instance for search capabilities. Please keep in mind that this embedded instance will only work for smaller graphs (less than 50M nodes + edges). For larger graphs, you will need to deploy an Elasticsearch cluster. Please refer to Elasticsearch's hardware requirements guide for details.
Operating System
Linkurious Enterprise server can be deployed on the following platforms:
- Windows
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows 10
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows Server 2016
- Linux
- CentOS 7+
- Ubuntu 12.10+
- Gentoo 12+
- Debian 8+
- Mint 14+
- RedHat 7.5+
- Mac OS X
- OS X 10.10+ (OS X Lion and more recent)
Linkurious Enterprise embedded ElasticSearch engine requires Java 7 or Java 8 from Oracle or OpenJDK.
If you do not intend to use the embedded ElasticSearch you need to change the configuration file choosing a different indexation strategy for all the configured datasources. With this configuration, the embedded Elasticsearch won't be started and the Java version won't be checked.
You can download the latest JRE from Oracle's website.
Installation instructions:
environment variable should be set.
In order to use the embedded ElasticSearch on Windows 10, we strongly recommend using Java 8u211 as some other versions are incompatible with our embedded ElasticSearch.
SQLite and GLIBC 2.14
Linkurious Enterprise uses an embedded SQLite store for user-data persistence. This database requires GLIBC >= 2.14. Some older Linux distributions don't have this version of GLIBC available. You can check the version available on your system on
If SQLite does not work on your system, please refer to the user-data store documentation section to learn how to use an alternative database.
Linkurious Enterprise Client
Technical requirements for users that access Linkurious Enterprise with their Web browser:
Hardware requirements of the Linkurious Enterprise Web client vary with the size of the visualized graphs. For up to 500 nodes and edges in a single visualization, we recommend to use a machine with 4 GB RAM, and 2 CPU cores @ 1.6 Ghz.
The minimal screen resolution is 1024 x 768.
Web Browser
End-users will access Linkurious Enterprise through a Web browser. The following browsers are officially supported:
- Google Chrome 50+ (recommended)
- Mozilla Firefox 50+
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
- Microsoft Edge 12+