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Authentication: SSO with Azure AD

Linkurious Enterprise supports Microsoft Azure Active Directory as an external authentication provider.


To set up Linkurious Enterprise authentication with Microsoft Azure Active Directory, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new app called Linkurious in Azure Active Directory on Azure Portal
  2. Assign the Directory.Read.All access right to the new app (notice: an Azure admin's approval is needed)
  3. From the Azure Portal, obtain the following parameters:
    • authorizationURL, e.g.
    • tokenURL, e.g.
    • clientID, e.g. 91d426e2-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-989f89b6b2a2
    • clientSecret, e.g. gt7BHSnoIffbxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtyAG5xDotC8I=
    • tenantID, (optional, required only for group mapping) e.g. 60d78xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxx9ca39b
  4. Add or edit the existing oauth2 section inside the access section in linkurious/data/config/production.json

Example access.oauth2 configuration with Microsoft Azure Active Directory:

"access": {
  // [...] 
  "oauth2": {
    "enabled": true,
    "provider": "azure",
    "authorizationURL": "",
    "tokenURL": "",
    "azure": {

Oauth2 redirect URL

The Oauth2 redirect URL of Linkurious Enterprise is the following: http(s)://HOST:PORT/api/auth/sso/return.