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Configuring data-sources: Advanced settings

The following advanced data-source settings applies to all data-sources.

To change them, see how to configure Linkurious Enterprise.

General settings

  • dataSourceConnectionTimeout (default: 30): The maximum time in seconds before the connection attempt to each data-source times out.

  • dataSourceAutoReconnectInterval (default: 300): Number of seconds after which Linkurious will try to reconnect automatically to all offline data-sources. This value is internally converted in minutes; if it is not a multiple of 60, it will be rounded to the nearest number of minutes. Explicitly setting this parameter to 0 disable the offline data-sources auto-reconnection feature.

  • pollInterval (default: 10): Check if the data-sources and search engine are connected at each interval (in seconds).

  • defaultTimezone (default: Z): The timezone in which to represent date and datetime values

  • timeline (default: false): Whether the visualization timeline is available in the workspace UI

  • layoutWorkers (default: 2): Number of processes dedicated to computing server-side the layout of visualizations (Currently only available via Linkurious APIs)

Search engine settings

  • indexationChunkSize (default: 5000): The number of nodes and edges retrieved at each batch during the indexation of the graph database.

  • searchAddAllThreshold (default: 500): The maximum number of search results that the user can add to a Visualization at once.

  • minSearchQueryLength (default: 3): The number of characters needed to trigger a search query. Set 1 to provide live results from the first character typed by the user.

  • searchPrefixExpansion (default: true): Whether Linkurious should return nodes and edges that contain the search query as a prefix, e.g.: Searching Link will return node Linkurious.

Graph exploration settings

  • supernodeThreshold (default: 10000): Number of adjacent edges after which a node is considered a supernode.

  • edgesBetweenSupernodes (default: false): Whether Linkurious should retrieve edges between 2 supernodes. Note: Linkurious always return edges between a supernode and a regular node.

  • rawQueryTimeout (default: 60000): Milliseconds after which a query to the database will time out.

  • defaultFuzziness (default: 0.1): Default value to search fuzziness between 0 and 1. A value of 0 means exact matching of the search query.

  • expandThreshold (default: 50): When the user expands a node with too many neighbors, Linkurious Enterprise will ask to refine the query so that fewer neighbors are returned.

  • rawQueryLimit (default: 500): The maximum number of results returned by Linkurious Enterprise when executing a query or query template.

  • sampledItemsPerType (default: 1000): The number of nodes/edges per category/type to read from the graph for the schema sampling

  • sampledVisualizationItems (default: 1000): Number of nodes/edges to read from existing visualizations for the schema sampling

  • showBuiltinQueries (default: true): Whether built-in queries like Shortest Path should appear in the list of Graph Query templates.

  • slowQueryThreshold (default: 500): Milliseconds after which a query is logged in the log file as a slow query.

  • defaultLayout (default: {algorithm: 'force', mode: 'best'}): The default layout to be applied to visualizations.

    • defaultLayout.algorithm (default: force): Can be force or hierarchical.
    • defaultLayout.mode (default: best): (best|fast) for force algorithm and (LR | RL | TB | BT) for hierarchical algorithm. See the layout section in the user manual for more information.
  • searchRetryMultiplier (default: 5): During search, update the index by removing the missing items from the index server. The higher the multiplier is, the less chance search will return non-existing items but search might take more time.

Additional Certificate Authorities

  • extraCertificateAuthorities: The relative or absolute path to a PEM file. When set, the well known "root" CAs (like LetsEncrypt) will be extended with the extra certificates in the file. The file should consist of one or more trusted certificates in the PEM format. If the path is relative, the file should be located within the linkurious/data folder.

If Linkurious Enterprise is installed as a service, the service needs to be uninstalled and re-installed for the change to be taken into account.

Password obfuscation

  • obfuscation (default: false): Set to true if you want all the passwords in the configuration to be obfuscated at the next restart of Linkurious Enterprise.