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Visualizations appearance: Default properties order

In Linkurious Enterprise, you can configure the properties order per data-source that will be displayed in the following:

  • Workspace left panel
  • Case view left panel
  • Query preview left panel
  • Advanced search right panel

You will need “Manage data-source default styles” access right or be an administrator to edit them in the data-source settings page.

To do so, you will need to add an object with the properties that you want to see in the top of the list for each category and/or edge type.


  "node": {
    "SENDER": ["SendId", "FullName"],
    "BENEFICIARY": ["BenId", "Country"]
  "edge": {
    "TRANSACTION": ["Amount", "Currency"]

What happens to the properties that are not defined in JSON?

Properties not defined in JSON will remain alphabetically-ordered, and will appear after the defined properties.

What happens when a node has multiple categories?

The category order is always alphabetical and is case-sensitive:

  • Categories are ordered alphabetically so all the properties of category A will precede the properties of category B.
  • Uppercase characters take precedence
  • If property X is defined in both categories A and B, property X will follow the order by which it is defined in category A and will be ignored in category B.