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Deploying on Azure: Pre-requisites


To deploy and run Linkurious Enterprise in the Azure marketplace, you need:

  • Access to the Download center of Linkurious Enterprise.
  • A valid licence of Linkurious Enterprise.

If you don’t have a valid license, get in touch with our sales team.

Before deployment, you will need to register two resource providers (Microsoft.Compute and Microsoft.Network) at the subscription level, if they have not been previously registered.

To do so:

  • On the Azure portal menu, search for Subscriptions. Select it from the available options.
  • Select the subscription you want to view.
  • On the left menu, under Settings, select Resource providers. - Find the resource below
    • Microsoft.Compute
    • Microsoft.Network
  • and select Register

Please contact your Azure administrator if you do not have sufficient rights to do so.

To be able to deploy to a ressource group, you will need to either be able to create ressource groups, or be granted the "owner" role on a given ressource group.