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Getting started: Obtain an API key

The preferred way to use the Linkurious Enterprise APIs is to access them via API key. First we have to obtain the API key by creating an application. To do so, we will use the POST /api/admin/applications API.

To use thi API, however, we need to be authenticated as an admin by using HTTP cookie authentication.

When we are authenticated, we can create the application. Applications are used to access a subset of the Linkurious Enterprise APIs on behalf of given groups of users. The administrator can decide which access-rights can be delegated to a given application and for which group of users.

In our example we create an application, that has the right to create, read, update and delete visualizations of any user in the group with id 4.

To know which access right you need for a given API, please refer to the Linkurious API documentation.

The response will contain an apiKey field that you will need to use for API key authentication.