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Alerts: Alerts unified case list

Unified Case List

The unified case list is where all the cases a user has access to can be displayed. It is accessible to all the users who can access and/or create alerts. The list of cases displayed can be adjusted using filters.

A "by default" filter is applied every time a user accesses the page, which shows the cases which have status Open or In progress and are assigned to the currently logged in user. This enables users to focus on the evolving cases which they are responsible for.

The unified case list is always sorted in descending order, meaning the newest case is always displayed first. Sorting can be modified according to the needs of the user by sorting the remaining columns of the unified case list. To go back to the initially sorted view, sort by the "created at" column in a descending order.

Users can navigate to the 'Alerts Dashboard', where they can also create alerts, when clicking on the 'Alerts Dashboard' button.


Different combinations of filters can be applied. Users can filter by one or many Alert folders, Alert names, Case statuses and Assignees. When filters are cleared, by clicking on the clear button, all the cases a user has access to are displayed.

Filters and sorting are persisted to help users not lose the context of their work when navigating in the app.

Case Preview

The case preview can be accessed by clicking on the case's ID. From the case preview the case view can be opened. Moreover, details on the information the case holds such as alert name, alert description, case attributes and number of comments as well as the timestamp of the latest comment are shown. Furthermore, users can change the status and assignee of a case, exactly in the same manner they do on the case view, from the case preview.

Bulk assign cases

Users can assign one or multiple cases to another user or themselves in one go, from one or many alerts at a time. This is particularly useful for a team leader dispatching the workload among their team, especially in combination with the usage of filters.

To use this feature, the user needs to select one or many cases from the unified case list (clicking on checkboxes). The “ASSIGN” button will activate upon the first selection. Users can pick cases from the different pages of the list. The number of cases selected will show next to the “ASSIGN” button.

Once the user is done selecting cases, they will pick a user name from the dropdown list that opens upon clicking on the “ASSIGN” button. Only the users who have access to all the alerts to which the selected cases belong, will show on the list. If a user is lacking access to at least one of the cases’ alert, they won’t be displayed. Also, if new filters are applied or if filters are cleared, the current selection of cases is unselected.

Download the unified case list information

From the unified case list, users can download an excel file containing all the cases which the applied filter returns. This file contains information which will enable analysts to monitor the team's activity and share it with fellow colleagues. and answer possible questions a they may have, such as:

  • How many cases are in which state?
  • How many cases are assigned per analyst?
  • How many cases dows analyst X close per period?
  • What relevant information is associated with the cases?
  • How long does it take for a case to be closed?
  • How long does it take for a case to be closed by an analyst?

The file begins to download once the button is pressed. In the downloaded file, for each case, you will find its id, creation datetime, status, assignee username, assignee email, assigned datetime, dismissed or confirmed datetime, the alert name and folder name the case belongs to as well as the export datetime.

In case the applied filter returns more than 500k cases, download would not be possible.