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Configuring data-sources: Cosmos DB

Cosmos DB is supported by Linkurious.


To edit the Cosmos DB data-source configuration, you can either use the Web user-interface or edit the configuration file located at linkurious/data/config/production.json.

Example configuration:

  "dataSources": [
      "graphdb": {
        "vendor": "cosmosDb",
        "url": "",
        ".NET SDK URI": "",
        "database": "your-graph-database",
        "collection": "your-collection",
        "primaryKey": "your-account-primary-key",
        "partitionKey": "your-collection-partition-key"
      "index": {
        "vendor": "azureSearch",
        "url": "",
        "apiKey": "your-search-service-admin-api-key",
        "nodeIndexName": "your-node-index",
        "edgeIndexName": "your-edge-index"

Supported graphdb options for Cosmos DB:

  • url (required): This is the full Gremlin Endpoint of your Cosmos DB. Should not to be confused with the .NET SDK URI
  • .NET SDK URI (required): The .NET SDK URI of your Cosmos DB
  • database (required): Cosmos DB database
  • collection (required): Cosmos DB collection
  • primaryKey (required): Cosmos DB account primary key
  • partitionKey (required): The partition key of your Cosmos DB collection
  • latitudeProperty (optional): Name of the node property to use for latitude (used in geo mode)
  • longitudeProperty (optional): Name of the node property to use for longitude (used in geo mode)
  • allowSelfSigned (optional, default false): Whether to allow self-signed certificates

Search with Cosmos DB

In order to have full-text search, you can choose among the following options: