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Search index: Neo4j Search

The neo4jSearch connector is a solution for full-text search with Neo4j. neo4jSearch is supported since version 3.5.1 of Neo4j.

Neo4j search integration

Linkurious can use the builtin search indices managed by Neo4j itself. You can either use the Web user-interface or edit the configuration file located at linkurious/data/config/production.json to set the index.vendor property to the value neo4jSearch.


To edit the Neo4j data-source configuration, you can either use the Web user-interface or edit the configuration file located at linkurious/data/config/production.json.

Example configuration:

  "dataSources": [
      "graphdb": {
        "vendor": "neo4j",
        "url": "neo4j://",
        "user": "my-neo4j-user",
        "password": "my-neo4j-password"
      "index": {
        "vendor": "neo4jSearch",
        "indexEdges": true

Supported index options with Neo4jSearch:

  • indexEdges (boolean, default: false): Whether to create or use an edge index
  • analyzer (string, default: "standard-no-stop-words"): Optional custom analyzer (see details on the Neo4j documentation)

Note that, in Neo4jSearch, only fields stored in Neo4j as string will be searchable. Numerical and date properties won't be searchable if stored in Neo4j as numbers or native dates.