All versions of this manual

Getting started: Version support policy

What is a version?

Linkurious Enterprise uses version codes with 3 numbers separated by dots (e.g. 2.9.14). The numbers are interpreted as MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. For example, Linkurious Enterprise 2.9.11 is a patch version that is part of the Linkurious Enterprise 2.9 minor version, which is itself part of the Linkurious Enterprise 2 major version.

Version stability

When updating Linkurious Enterprise from one version to another (for any version in the “stable” or “maintenance” stage), the following is guaranteed:

  • A patch update (changing the patch version number, e.g. from 2.2.4 to 2.2.7) does not introduce breaking changes. A patch version (also called a corrective maintenance release) is used to fix defects and usability issues, and can introduce non-breaking improvements.
  • A minor update (changing the minor version number, e.g. from 2.2.4 to 2.3.2) may introduce improvements that include breaking changes.
  • A major update (changing the major version number, e.g. from 2.2.4 to 3.1.6) may introduce improvements that include significant breaking changes.

Breaking change

A breaking change is a change that either removes a feature, or changes an existing feature in a way that makes adopting this change require either:

  • active actions from a users or an admin (e.g. administrators must re-enable each alert)
  • changing existing code (e.g. change the code that uses an API to rename a parameter)
  • changing end-user processes (e.g. users have to change the way they search for dates)


  • "Removed support for Elasticsearch v6 and older"
  • "Added a required 'group' parameter on the 'findUsers' API endpoint"
  • "Added a required 'target' parameter when creating an alert"

Non-breaking improvement

A non-breaking improvement is a change that either adds a new feature, or extends the capacities of an existing features without removing any existing functional behavior.


  • "Added the ability to leave comments on alert cases"
  • "Added the ability to search on numbers in advanced search"
  • "Improved the performance of filters in visualizations"
  • "Added an optional configuration parameter to set the path of extra Certificate Authorities"
  • “Redesigned the layout settings panel to make it easier to understand”

Stages of a minor version

A minor version of Linkurious Enterprise (e.g. 2.9) is always in one of the following stages:

  • Beta: when a minor version (e.g. 2.9) is first released, it goes through a "beta" stage. During this stage, patch versions (e.g. 2.9.1) are released frequently to add new features and improve the stability.
    The version should not be used in production: the standard support terms do not apply, patch version may include breaking changes and defects will be fixed on a best-effort basis.
  • Stable: when a minor version (e.g. 2.9) is considered reliable enough, a new patch version (e.g. 2.9.5) is released and marked as stable, and the minor version officially becomes "stable".
    The version is recommended for use in production: the support terms apply, defects (including security issues) with a severity of at least "medium" will be handled in a timely manner and fixes will be made available via patch releases (see Support Policy Terms).
  • Maintenance: when the next minor version becomes stable, a stable minor version goes to the "maintenance" stage (e.g. when 2.10 becomes stable, 2.9 becomes maintenance). A version remains in maintenance for at least 6 months.
    The version can be used in production: the support terms apply, defects (including security issues) with a severity of at least "high" will be handled in a timely manner and fixes will be made available via patch releases (see Support Policy Terms).
  • End of life: when a version is not supported anymore, is goes into the "end of life" stage.
    The version should not be used in production: defects (including security issues) will not be fixed.

Release frequency

  • New major versions are released at most once per year.
  • New minor versions are released at most twice a year for the current major version.
  • Patch versions are released approximately twice a month, or more frequently if required to fix "highest" defects.

Support duration

  • A minor version (e.g. 2.9) is supported for at least 12 months after it becomes stable (of which approximately 6 months are spent respectively in "stable" and "maintenance").
  • A minor version goes from “stable” to “maintenance” when the next minor version becomes stable. From that day, it stays in maintenance at least 6 months.
  • Long Term Support (LTS) can be purchased by clients and changes the standard product release support policy so that each minor version is supported for at least 18 months: at least 6 months as “stable”, 6 months as “maintenance” and 6 months as “LTS”.
  • For clients who have purchased the LTS option, when a new minor version is introduced, there is a guaranteed 6-month window during which both the current and the new version are supported in order to facilitate the migration process.
  • To benefit from all fixes and improvements on a supported minor version, it is mandatory to update to the latest patch of that minor version.

Example life-cycle

This is an example version life-cycle to illustrate how minor and patch version are released. release lifecycle example diagram