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Manipulating the graph: Expand nodes

Expanding a node displays all the nodes connected to it.

Generally, you can do it in three different ways:

  • Double-click a node.

  • Right-click a node then click the Expand button in the context menu (see Expand options below for details).

  • Select one or more nodes, then click the Expand button in the property panel on the left.

Expand options

The Expand button in the context menu and property panel shows the following options:

  • All neighbors: Expand all the connected nodes.
  • Category list (In the image below, the category list includes MARKET and CITY): If the number of neighbors is less than the advanced.expandThreshold or advanced.supernodeThreshold, expand all connected nodes of the selected category. If not, the Selective Expand popin is opened.
  • More options: Open the Selective Expand popin.

Selective Expand

The Selective Expand feature prevents adding too many neighbors at once. The popin provides options to:

  • select a specific category and edge type;
  • specify the degree of connection.
    • Neighbors (default).
    • Most connected: will return nodes with the highest number of connections.
    • Least connected: will return nodes with the lowest number of connections.
  • change the maximum number of retrieved neighbors.

Nodes that exceed the expand threshold

When expanding nodes that have more edges connected to it than advanced.expandThreshold but less than advanced.superNodeThreshold, you see the following Selective Expand popin:

Selecting only one category allows you to expand nodes of that category and select a specific edge type it is connected to. In the example below, we select node CITY and edge type INVESTED_IN:

Selecting multiple categories allows you to expand nodes of those categories without the option of selecting the edge types. By default, all edges are selected.

Nodes that exceed the super node threshold

In the visualization, a super node is marked with a plus badge along with the number of connections it has.

When expanding nodes that have more node neighbors than advanced.superNodeThreshold, you see the following Selective Expand popin. Here the popin has the full list of relationships and categories to expand:

Note however that it is not possible to expand multiple nodes at the same time when at least one of the selected nodes is a super node.