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Filters: Timeline

The Timeline is available if at least one property has been set as Date or Datetime property by the administrator in the schema.

The Timeline panel can be open through the "clock" icon in the upper right corner of the workspace.

The Timeline displays the distribution of values of one or multiple properties at once.

In the top left corner of the panel is displayed the list of properties being plotted in the Timeline. You may change the list of selected properties by clicking on the "Modify" button next to that list.

At the bottom right, the zoom level allows to change the step of the histogram.

It is possible to filter nodes and edges holding the properties selected in the Timeline by adding a lower bound and/or upper bound using:

  • Either the handles in the chart.
  • Or through the date pickers at the bottom left.

To remove a bound, clear the corresponding date picker.

Some statistics are displayed on the right-hand side of the panel:

  • "Total items": number of nodes and edges that hold a valid value for one of the selected properties.
  • "Invalid values": number of nodes and edges that hold an invalid value for one of the selected properties, i.e. the value is not a Date or Datetime.
  • "Missing values": number of nodes and edges for which the selected properties are missing.
  • "Time Filter results": number of nodes and edges that hold a valid value and that are not hidden after applying a filter.