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Manage visualizations: Moving visualizations

Moving visualizations accross and within spaces

From the dashboard, you can move a visualization within a space by right clicking on it and from the context menu clicking on Move. Furthermore, from your private space My visualizations , you can move any of your visualizations to a public space again by right clicking on it and from the context menu clicking on Move. Both use cases are thoroughly explained below.

Moving visualization within folders in a space

To create a folder, you can click theĀ NEW FOLDER button in the upper right corner of the dashboard.

Enter the name of your folder.

Hit Create. The folder is now created.

You can open the folder by either double clicking on it or right clicking to open the context menu. If you want to move a visualization into the folder, right-click on your visualization and hitĀ Move.

You can select the folder you want to move your visualization to.

The visualization has been moved to the folder. There is a breadcrumb under the main title to show where you are at in the folder hierarchy.

Moving visualization from your private space to a public one

You can move private visualizations, which are visualizations that are currently in your private space 'My Visualizations', to a public space you have access to. To do that, you can right click on the visualization you want to move and from the context menu click on Move.

A visualization that is being edited by another user cannot be moved.

After clicking on Move you will be prompted to a modal similar to the one shown below. There, you will be able to find all the possible folders within your private space as well as all the public spaces and their folders that you can move your visualization to.

Once you have selected which space you want to move your visualization to you will be able to see who has access to it, in order to make sure that everyone you intended to share your visualization to is present in the selected space.

The move to a public space is final and can not be reverted.

After clicking on move, your visualization will be moved to the selected space, in our case to the Fraud space. Everyone who has access to the Fraud space will be able to access the visualization. All the filters, styles, comments, layouts and publications of the visualization will remain untouched when it's moved to the new space.

Users who the visualization was shared with but do not have access to the public space it has moved to, will lose access to it.