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Rectangle Select API: functions to select nodes and edges by drawing a rectangle.

Disable the rectangle selection.[options])

Enable the selection by rectangle tool, allowing the user to select some nodes by drawing a rectangle on the screen.


  • options(optional) object
    • bothExtremities(optional) boolean[=false] If set to true, edge will be passed to callback only if both of its ends are inside the selected area. By default, just one endpoint inside the selection is enough to be included.
    • callback(optional) function(evt: {nodes: NodeList, edges: EdgeList}) Called with the nodes/edges surrounded by the rectangle. By default, add the surrounded nodes to the selection. If there is no surrounded node, add the surrounded edges instead.
    • cursorStyle(optional) CursorStyle[="cell"] Cursor style when the rectangle is active (CSS property)
    • fillColor(optional) Color|null[="rgba(0,195,255,0.1)"] Rectangle fill color
    • strokeColor(optional) Color[="#00C3FF"] Rectangle stroke color
    • strokeWidth(optional) number[=1] Rectangle stroke width

Indicates if the rectangle selection is enabled.


  • boolean