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  1. Tutorials



- skeleton.json     # list of tutorials with their titles
- tutorial_folder/  # folder for a tutorial
  -        # tutorial text in Markdown
  - images/         # images used in the tutorial
  - files/          # tutorial code, will be available as a zip

How to add a tutorial

  1. Create a folder for it
  2. Write your tutorial in your_tutorial_name/, use Github-flavoured Markdown
  3. In case your first first-level header is the same as the tutorial title from skeleton.json, it will be omitted.
  4. Link images from your_tutorial_name/images, relative paths
  5. Link code from your_tutorial_name/files, relative paths
  6. Register your tutorial in skeleton.json, following the scheme "your_tutorial_title": "your_tutorial_name"

Add a multi-file tutorial

  1. Put the tutorial parts in Markdown put files into the tutorial folder
  2. Create TOC in your_tutorial_name/skeleton.json in the same format, the file will be also used to create the sub-menu