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Type: object


  • copyData(optional) boolean[=true] If true, the data of the open node will be copied into the group replacing it.
  • depthPath(optional) string[="depth"] Data path in the node that contains the depth of the node.
  • duration(optional) number Animation time in milliseconds. The animation will be played once after the creation of the group. Ignored if enabled is false.
  • easing(optional) EasingFunction[="quadraticOut"] Grouping animation easing function.
  • nodeGenerator(optional) function(nodes: NodeList, groupId: string, transformation: Transformation): NodeDataAndAttributes See nodeGrouping [nodeGenerator]{@link types/nodegroupingoptions}.
  • onGetSubgraph function(node: Node): Promise<RawGraph> Function that should return a promise that resolves with the subgraph inside the group.
  • onGroupUpdate(optional) function(metaNode: Node, subNodes: NodeList, isOpen: boolean): Promise<any> Callback to run a layout over the content of an open group. It should return a promise that resolves when the layout is done, or a Promise containing an array of positions for each node in the group.
  • padding(optional) number|function(metaNode: Node, depth: number): number Padding applied to groups showing their content. If a function is passed, each MetaNode will get a padding depending on that function.
  • parentPath(optional) string[="parent"] Data path in the node that contains the id of the parent node.
  • showContents(optional) function(metaNode: Node, depth: number): boolean | boolean Function that would define if the contents of the group node should be hidden or not. This is called on every transformation update.