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Manipulating the graph: Auto-save

Auto-save status

The auto-save status is displayed in the bottom left corner of the workspace. There are 3 possible statuses:

  • Not saved
  • Auto-save ON
  • Auto-save OFF

Save a visualization

New visualizations are not automatically saved. In order to save a visualization, click on the Menu and then "Save...". Once saved, the Auto-save is switched on.

Switch auto-save off

At the bottom left of the screen click on "Auto-save ON": Auto-save ON

Switch auto-save off in the confirmation popup (see below). Auto-save is now switched off: modifications are not saved.


If you close the visualization and open it again, Auto-save will be ON again.

Save as a new visualization

You can duplicate a visualization by clicking "Save as..." in the main menu. The new visualization is open in the current window, and Auto-save is enabled.


If Auto-save is OFF in the original visualization, any unsaved changes will be lost