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What is a plugin?

A plugin is software running on top of Linkurious Enterprise extending its capabilities. For example, a plugin that adds the functionality of importing your data to Linkurious Enterprise via CSV files. Customers and third party developers can easily create their own plugins using our detailed Plugins Development Guide.

What is an official Linkurious Enterprise plugin?

Official plugins are plugins built, distributed, and maintained by the Linkurious team. Some official plugins are free (see list bellow), and some need to be purchased.

What are the currently available free official Linkurious Enterprise Plugins?

These are free official plugins: they are distributed with Linkurious Enterprise by default.

  • Plugin Manager (plugin-manager): Install and manage plugins in Linkurious Enterprise.
  • Webhook Manager (webhook-manager): Add, delete and test webhooks in Linkurious Enterprise.
  • Image Export (image-export): Export a visualization as an image file with advanced options. Supports annotations and vector export for high-quality printing.
  • Data Table (data-table): Display graph query results as a table.
  • Third-Party Data (third-party-data): Enrich companies and people in your graph using data from external data-vendor APIs.
  • CSV Importer (csv-importer): Import data into your graph quickly from a CSV file.

What are the currently available paid official Linkurious Enterprise Plugins?

These are paid official plugins: they need to be purchased and downloaded with the help of our support team.

  • Configuration Migration: Migrate settings (e.g. queries, alerts, etc.) from one Linkurious Enterprise instance to another. Ideal to synchronize a pre-production and production instance.

How do I install plugins?

The preferred way is to perform the installation through the Plugin Manager interface (by default accessible from /plugins/plugin-manager). Using the plugin manager requires an admin account.

In case you need to perform a manual installation, you can proceed as follows:

Make sure to have write access to the Linkurious Enterprise installation folder of as well as an application admin account.

  1. Obtain the .lke file of the plugin you need to install, for official plugins you can download it from the Releases section of the plugin page
  2. Copy the .lke file to the following path <linkurious>/data/plugins
  3. From the Linkurious Enterprise dashboard, go to Admin -> Global configuration
  4. Scroll to the Plugins settings field
  5. Add a space at the end of the Plugins settings section
  6. Click "Save". This will restart all the plugins to apply the new configurations.

How do I automatically install free official plugins?

If you want the system to automatically install official plugins, you can set the LKE_PLUGINS environment variable as an array of strings for every plugin to be deployed. The valid strings are available in the list of official plugins.

If you are using Docker, the environment variable needs to be set for the container.

If the variable is not defined, the system will consider the below as default (deploying the Plugin Manager and the Image Export plugins).


The version that will be installed depends on your Linkurious Enterprise version. Be sure to keep the system up to date to have the latest version of the plugins installed.

How do I configure plugins?

  1. From the Linkurious Enterprise dashboard, go to Admin -> Global configuration
  2. Scroll to the Plugins settings field
  3. Find the name of your plugin in the Plugins settings section (if the plugin has never started before you will not find it, you can either add the configuration manually or start the plugin first)
  4. Add the relevant configurations, for official plugins you can find details in the plugin page
  5. Click "Save". This will restart all the plugins to apply the new configurations.

You can configure multiple instances of a single plugin by adding a new JSON object to the plugin's array.

Configuration keys supported by all the plugins:

Key Type Description Example      
basePath string (optional) A base path on which the plugin will be mounted. Defaults to the plugin name defined in the manifest. "my-path"
debugPort number (optional) A debug port on which to attach a debugger for the plugin NodeJS process. If not specified, the plugin won't be started in debug mode. 9230

The following example will deploy:

  • An instance of my-plugin that will be accessible by its default path /plugins/my-plugin (the plugin name)
  • An instance of my-second-plugin that will be accessible from the custom path /plugins/my-path
  • A second instance of my-second-plugin that will be accessible from the custom path /plugins/my-other-path
  "my-plugin": [
  "my-second-plugin": [
      "basePath": "my-path"
      "basePath": "my-other-path"

How do I uninstall plugins?

To completely uninstall a plugin from the system (i.e. all the deployed instances), you can either use the Plugin Manager or remove the file manually added through the manual installation.

After the above procedure, any configuration for to the removed plugin will be ignored by the system. If you are not foreseeing to reuse the plugin in the future, you may want to clear the related plugin's configurations to only keep active ones.

If you have deployed several instances of a plugin and want to uninstall some of them, edit the plugins configuration and remove the entries for the instances you want to remove.

What do I need to be able to use the plugin?

Once installed and configured, any Linkurious Enterprise authenticated user can use the plugin. Additional restrictions may be imposed by the plugin itself.

We recommend configuring a custom action in Linkurious Enterprise to avoid building the link to the plugin manually.

Are plugins compatible with all versions of Linkurious Enterprise?

Compatibility is mentioned on the download page of each plugin. You can easily identify that by looking at the minimal and maximal supported Linkurious Enterprise version.

What can I expect about maintenance and bug fixes?

If you are facing problems with a plugin follow the next steps:

  • Make sure you are running the latest supported version of Linkurious Enterprise.
  • Make sure you are running the latest version of the plugin.

If you are still facing problems, please get in touch with support while keeping this in mind:

  • Compare your Linkurious Enterprise version to the min-max allowed versions for the plugin.
  • If the version is within the supported range, the policy will be:
    • Beta version: best effort.
    • Stable version: fix functionally impacting bugs (timeliness depends on the severity).
    • Maintenance version: fix only critical bugs.